Beekeeping Links

Looking For Beekeeping Resources?

Bee-L Archives - The archives of the Bee-L e-mail discussion list.  Search the list archives here.
Sci.Agriculture.Beekeeping - The UseNet discussion list about beekeeping.
APIS Website - The archives of Dr. Tom Sanford's (University of Florida Extension Service) newsletter
Beesource - One of the better websites, covering a wide range of current topics.
The Honeybee WebRing - Nearly 100 bee-related websites
McGregor's Handbook Of Pollination - An incredible resource, kept online and updated by A. I. Root
Bee Culture Magazine - Some articles from their magazine are available online, and you can subscribe here
American Bee Journal - Their index of articles is here, as is Jerry Hayes' "The Classroom" column.
BeeHoo - A "Yahoo" focused on beekeeping (they made us say that)
The Beehive - A triumph of flash animation over useful content, but fun, once you find the "turn music off" button
The Pollinator Homepage - Pollination, covered in-depth. - Excellent content
Apiservices - Visually confusing, Euro-centric, but chock-full of all sorts of good information  

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